Sunday, November 28, 2010


"Luma kong Tsinelas"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Black & White Photography

I always have this compulsion to turn my photos to black & white when I'm taking candid shots of people.

Why black & white?

When the colors are out, you tend to pay more attention on the subject itself and as to what it is telling you... makes you feel more with less...

Monotones just have this classic feel. And sometimes i think we become overly concerned on colors and luminance and everything that it is almost overwhelming, to the point that we're missing on the most important part of the shot... which is to convey... to speak up to whomever is looking at that photo... to tell a story.

Speaking of telling a story, PEBA have an on-going photo contest and your's truly is one of the participants;P

We do hope you could check out the PEBA Photo Contest and vote for my entry as well as other entries that conveys a message... speak to you... and tell you a story;)

Happy-Snaps! ;)