Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LIVE EARTH: Run for Water

Run for Water

This is my first marathon participation and I'm so proud that my first run is for a cause that means a lot to me.

This is why we run:
"6km is the average distance women and children walk every day in the developing world to have access to water. Close to a billion people are without access to safe drinking water."

When I was still a kid in our province I have experienced this kind of life, wherein water is scarce, every drop is precious. People rely in rainwater which they store and save in big tanks for most of their water use and they need to travel far (walk or ride in "kariton" a carriage pulled by a carabao or cow), at the middle of the town there is one single water pump station where people get the clean water safe for drinking.

I didn't bring Nikki for this event (which I regret, because I realized I can still take pictures after the race):P

These pics are taken from my phone, i used the polarize application;)
after the 6km run, i can feel the "happy-pain":P

Suzette and Wai Chen against the light, sori naman ahahaha:P

Wai Chen finished the 6km in 47mins, asteeeg lang:P

sooo proud we finished the race, well in our own time... no pressure,right zetty? ahahaha

I'm quite sure I have the endurance to finish the 6km run but I'm also certain that I don't have the speed to finish it in quickest time:P

I did my best guys... my official time is (01:01:14) one hour-one minute-fourteen seconds

This is my Run for Water Certificate:

Nikki-Tips: As much as possible bring you're cam, don't make excuses as to why you can't bring one...because you'll never know if it such a perfect timing to practice and capture some never before seen shots:P

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